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canaliculata Hansson and LaSalle

Cabeza canaliculata Hansson & LaSalle, head frontal, female.

Cabeza canaliculata Hansson & LaSalle, antenna lateral, female.

Cabeza canaliculata Hansson & LaSalle, anterior margin of forewing, female.

Original description

Hansson, C. and LaSalle, J. (2003). Journal of Natural History, 37:708.




Predominantly yellow non metallic species; female scape strongly flattened and wide; funicular segment 0.4X as long as clava; frons with a blunt transverse edge in front of anterior ocellus; occiput with a strong median groove between occipital margin and occipital foramen (as in petiolata; submarginal vein with one seta; fore wing with basal 1/2 of membrane bare; propodeum with a strong and complete median groove (as in petiolata); petiole 0.5X as long as wide.


Costa Rica.




Depository of primary type

Female holotype in Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, England.